Bye bye lovely Chicken

Created by Caroline one year ago

Elizabeth’s nickname in our family came from our very young elder son who had been collecting eggs from the 44 gallon drum hen house in the garden in Botswana. He chose Auntie Chicken - and it stuck. Somewhat disconcerted at first, Elizabeth rallied and accepted the name with good grace, always signing cards etc with a lovely little drawing of a hen. So she had been ‘Auntie Chicken’, ‘The Chicken’ or ‘Chook’ ever since.

I can remember her now with the same uplift of mood as I always had whenever we were together. We laughed, we had fun, we just had the best time. She was brilliant with the children: she always made them feel important and appreciated and they were so happy and excited to see her. York became a special place for us.

In spite of awful travel sickness she travelled extensively and delighted us by visiting us wherever we were overseas.

She was so many things: clever, hard working, funny, talented (those brilliant cards she made in her ‘Christmas card factory’), a devoted daughter, driving between York and her parents in Peebles uncountable times, loyal, discreet - the list goes on. She inspired deep love and loyalty in her own daughter and was so proud of her family.
She was indomitable and wonderful. 

Bye bye Chook, we love you.

Caroline and Anthony